A curious tale of US Mayor turned Russian Asset

Just how does one of America’s once celebrated Mayors of one of America’s great city’s turn into a paid Russian agent? Let’s start with the players. Andrii Derkach is confirmed Russian spy. He was identified by the US Treasury on Sept, 10th 2020 as an active Russian agent for well over a decade. The full disclosure can be seen here https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm1118 , but this is just the beginning of a long and sorted history of a man. But none of that seemed to matter to Mr. Giuliani because they began great friendship filled with lavish dinners and trips all funded by the Russian Internet Research Agency (IRA) and and its Russian financier Yevgeniy Prigozhin. 

Next on list of characters to help turn Rudolph Giuliani into non-reluctant agent for the Russian government, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, were indicted last year for campaign-finance violations. According to CIA covert operators familiar with the two say that they are low level con men who are also funded by the Russian IRA. The CIA operators say their nicknames in the intelligence community are “Dumb and Dumber”. These are the men Giuliani decided to work with in the goal to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden. The two were indicted last year for campaign-finance violations. And now Giuliani is currently under federal criminal investigation over whether he violated foreign lobbying laws. Now this is where the story gets dark and interesting. The US government officially has not announced the investigation of Giuliani and his work for the Russian GBU, but sources familiar with the ins and outs of the investigation say, when the time is right arrests and announcements will be made immediately.

The FBI has declined to comment, refusing to either confirm or deny the existence of an investigation.

After months of investigation, two Republican-led Senate committees unveiled a report in September that found no evidence of wrongdoing or corrupt actions by the former vice president in connection with his son Hunter’s business dealings in Ukraine.

Now we come to the shop owner of the computer repair establishment where Hunter Biden so-called dropped his laptops off at. John Paul Mac Isaac has had many stories over the past few weeks none of which are the same. Enough said about him until we review his bank statements and where large influxes of money in his business came from.

The rest of the story is pretty simple. NY Post ran by Rupert Murdoch just simply loves a good or bad hit piece on any non Republican candidate. Anything to sell papers or tv advertising on his Fox News. He has already resigned to Vice President Biden winning in November by a landslide. But bottom line is always the money or the Bottom line.

One interesting detail just learned is the so-called Biden email widely seen and circulated is a fake. A Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) manufactured fake. A forensic specialist at NSA has just confirmed this to my office and vowed to keep us updated on others being processed.

New agencies across America are swaying towards all this being fake. But here we are 99.9% sure it is.